Want to know what it takes to secure a job in the US as an Australian? Hear directly from those who’ve done it!
In these success stories Australians share:
✅ How they found jobs in the U.S.
✅ Their experience landing E-3 visa-friendly roles
✅ What kept them motivated during the job search
✅ How they pitched the E-3 visa to employers
✅ And more firsthand insights!
Bookmark this page and check back for more inspiring stories from Aussies who made it happen!
Jay from Brisbane landed a Design Engineer role in Baltimore on an E-3 Visa 🎉
2023 was a big year of travel for Jay. He explored the UK, Europe, Turkey, Israel, Egypt and America! But he ended up meeting his American girlfriend in London and now lives with her in Baltimore.
“Even the smallest adjustments in your resume make a difference in your search. So don’t give up!” says Jay.
Once a company understands the simplicity of the E-3 visa, it becomes much easier to focus on showcasing your skillset and what you bring to the role.
“Amy had a few good tips that I think made the biggest difference” shares Jay
Changing my resume language
Getting a US number
Explaining the benefits of the E-3 visa
Adam from Sydney landed a Pilot job in Dallas on an E-3 visa 🎉
Adam f was applying non-stop for jobs in Dallas and wasn’t hearing back… Until he got the ONE call. The one call that has changed his life.
He was invited to interview.
Took the flight test.
And landed the job.
Now he’s living and working as a pilot in Dallas. On the E-3 visa!
“Just trust the process and know all it takes is 1” says Adam.
P.S. Adam used our E-3 Visa Salary Search tool during his US job search.
George from Sydney landed a Strategic Partnerships Director role in Chicago 🎉
George was living in Sydney with his long term American girlfriend. Like many couples they kept discussing changing things up. The idea of taking his career to the US was exciting.
“Like anything, the first step is the hardest. Once you commit to something make sure you follow through. Also people want to help... so reach out.” - George
That’s exactly what he did. We're honored to have helped George along the way!
Michelle from Brisbane landed a Finance role in Boston on an E-3 visa 🎉
She’s always wanted to work in the US. Originally from Brisbane, Michelle has lived in New York for 10 years on E-3 visas!
“Explore every avenue. Know how to present yourself in 30 minutes. Speak to the job spec. Ask questions about actual tasks in the job spec” says Michelle.
Michelle was comforted knowing Aussie Recruit was a source she could tap into.
Farah from Melbourne landed a Product Marketing Manager role in the Bay Area on an E-3 visa 🎉
Farah shares 3 great US job-searching tips:
1. Prioritize quality over quantity.
“I chose to apply for fewer roles with tailored outreach instead of mass-applying with a generic application.”
2. Break up the job search monotony.
“I worked at different cafes across the city to keep mixing things up”
3. Reward yourself for milestones.
“I created a reward system for myself after completing certain tasks. It made the job search feel less daunting.”
“Aussie Recruit is an invaluable resource for navigating the complexities of landing a role in the US as an Aussie. Amy’s comprehensive breakdown of the E3 visa, among other topics, has been instrumental in landing roles in the US. Cannot say enough good things about Amy!” - Farah
Lily from Adelaide landed a new job in Boston on an E-3 visa 🎉
“I created a vision board and set it as my screensaver” shares Lily who landed a new job in Boston!
“Referrals are the best way to get a job in the US. So speak to anyone and everyone. Your network is more powerful than you think!” said Lily.
“Amy at Aussie Recruit provides invaluable advice about how Australians can land their dream jobs in the US. From tips on how to market yourself to American companies, how to find other Australians, and how to tackle the E3 visa process. I would have been so lost without her!” - Lily
Fellow Aussie Mikaela landed a Partnerships role in San Francisco on an E-3 visa 🎉
Supercharge Your Search Student 💫
“To stand out as an Aussie, you have to go above & beyond usual online applications.” shares Mikaela. She focused on what she could control every day and used that to keep her morale high whilst interviewing.
2 tips from Mikaela:
Focus on the tips from Aussie Recruit, they do work. Remember to network, network, network.
To stand out as an Aussie, you have to go above and beyond usual online applications. Make sure you are using Linkedin and reaching out to your Aussie/US community for support!
“Amy was a source of positive inspiration. Her Supercharge Your Search course helped me to better understand how to leverage LinkedIn and reach out to more Aussies who are in the US” - Mikaela
Inez from Melbourne landed a Design role in New York 🎉
“Don’t be afraid to let your character and unique manner of thinking shine through.” shares Inez.
She kept motivated during her job search by:
Having dedicated time to apply for jobs and expand her US network. She did her best to stick to those hours and enjoyed exploring New York on breaks.
Scheduling day or weekend trips over the weekends when job-hunting communications were always paused.
Speaking to other Aussie designers about their experiences. Working hard to get in touch with real people during the hiring process.
Some advice from Inez:
“Perhaps this isn't for all industries... but don’t be afraid to let your character and unique manner of thinking shine through your applications and interviews. I found this particularly important looking for more junior roles where there might be a huge number of applicants with equal amounts of experience.”
Katrin from Newcastle landed a role in Design in New York on an E-3 visa 🎉
Katrin landed her 1st job in the US, as a General Manager in the Design space. She joined as the company’s 1st Aussie E-3 visa hire!
“When I felt like I wasn’t making progress, I went into visualization mode and hyped myself up. This was not only empowering but also made me more confident going into interviews.” shares Katrin.
Katrin also...
Saw each interview and job application as an opportunity to level up.
Completed free courses, self-study and anything that would improve her chances of employment.
Important tips from Katrin:
Get used to hearing NO and being ghosted. Don’t take it personally and just keep going.
Don’t assume anything until you have something in writing in front of you. Sometimes it’s almost a yes and then something happens and it falls flat.
Try to organize an in-person interview to build a closer connection with the employer.
Don’t be silly like me and do everything on your own. Some people know way more than you do. Reach out and ask questions. Use any help available because this process can get stressful.
“I received lots of information from the Aussie Recruit page and a massive shout-out to Jonathan who helped me with my visa application! I can’t thank him and his team enough!” - Katrin
Ashley from Sydney landed a Graphic Designer role in New York on an E-3 visa 🎉
“I always knew I wanted to move to NY. I had gone over to land a job in March 2020 and of course after unfortunate timing had to come home after 10 days. This didn't stop me from knowing I would move. I didn't let the countless rejections stop me. I saw other people’s success stories as motivation. I just knew I was worthy of getting what I wanted and didn't stop until I got there.” shares Ashley.
Ashley's 4 tips to landing your jobs in the US:
Use and create a community and network of people to help you. The Aussies in NY pages/groups, Aussie Recruit resources, and virtual events gave me a wealth of knowledge during my job search. I knew the ins and outs of the visa process thanks to these communities.
Most importantly, Persist and know that it will happen. It can be a grim process to apply for jobs, but know that you only need one!
Change your Linkedin location, Americanize your resume/cv, and connect with people in your industry already working in the city and organizations you want to work at. I have a Google Sheet of every creative in NY, it had their name, organization, city, and social handles. Connect with them. Reach out to them and create a network. Thanks to this – I got my dream job. They weren't even hiring, but thanks to a friend I met via networking, this company reached out to me.
If you have the means, go on a holiday to the city you're wanting to move to. I went to NY for 6 weeks and it made a huge difference. Every day I was networking and meet up with other creatives. Once I was in NY I got a US number and had a US address (my friends).
“Thanks to Aussie Recruit I was fortunate enough to have a wealth of knowledge and resources during my daunting job search. Knowledge gives you confidence, and with this, I was able to land my dream job in New York within a few months. I continue to use Aussie Recruit's resources as the monthly E3 virtual events have supported my E3 visa journey!” - Ashley
Elle from Sydney landed a Marketing role in New York on an E-3 visa 🎉
“I started with a "spray and pray" approach but found it wasn't working.” said Elle.
3 top tips from Elle:
Be specific about the job title you are searching for
Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for
Be prepared to talk passionately about the company, not just your skill set or experience. "In my experience, interviews were less about my 'skills and qualifications' but why I specifically wanted to work with X company."
"If I job searched every day I would lose motivation". Elle dedicated certain days to her job search and applications. She also reached out to friends in the US to ask for advice & to hear their stories.
“Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you. Before finding Aussie Recruit's social media and website my approach was definitely “spray and pray” and without your tips and insights, this process would’ve taken me A LOT longer.” - Elle
Grace from Sydney landed a new job in LA on an E-3 visa 🎉
Grace applied for her role through the company's website and the interview process lasted a few weeks.
5 job-searching tips from Grace
It can be a daunting and long process but stay informed and connected with the wealth of information available
Educate your prospective employer on the E-3 visa to show your commitment to joining the business even before they have offered you the job
Join a few Aussie expat groups on Facebook for tips on the E-3 visa process
Follow Aussie Recruit! Seriously, it made me feel like I had a support group by attending the online events and seeing Amy Meyer's daily stories on Instagram (@aussierecruitsf)
But most importantly, believe in yourself and celebrate every step!
“The wealth of information available on Aussie Recruit's website and virtual events provided me with the knowledge to confidently speak about the E3 process to my prospective employer.” - Grace
Mark from Sydney landed a Consulting role in Ohio 🎉
1:1 coaching student
3 job-searching tips from Mark:
1. Leveraging your network is key
2. Focus on getting referrals for your target roles/company
3. Base yourself out of the US [if possible] as early as possible, this will help the recruiters take your application seriously
“I would highly recommend Aussie Recruit. It is a fantastic resource for navigating a role in the US. Amy was a pleasure to work with.” - Mark
Fellow Aussie Rhiannon landed a new job in Los Angeles 🎉
“I started wide and applied to a lot of jobs. As I started learning about what worked for me and what didn't, I got more specific and targeted with my job search” shares Rhiannon.
Rhiannon was successful in applying via a job board and the hiring process took about 1-2 months.
“Determine the key skills and types of experiences that are common in jobs that you're interested in” says Rhiannon. “This will really help you to cater your resume accordingly and stand out in interviews.”
“Amy has been such a great resource during my time in the US - she has been really supportive and generous with her advice.” - Rhiannon
Fellow Aussie Liam landed an Accounting job in Seattle on an E-3 visa 🎉
“When you need a visa, it’s always a sea of no’s but you only need 1 or 2 yes’s" shares Liam.
Although his job search took 6+ months, the interview process was just a few weeks! You never know what's around the corner.
Here are 4 ways Liam stayed motivated during his job search:
I made a plan and put other wheels in motion to force myself to find a job. I set up my personal life based on the assumption that I would be in the US.
While job hunting I linked up with several rugby teams and stay social. I should have tapped into that community more in terms of job opportunities.
Attended Aussie Recruit's monthly E-3 events to stay as informed as possible on the E-3 visa so that I had my ducks in a row once I landed a job.
I knew that my requirements for a visa would mean lots of job rejections. I made sure to keep on seeing that I have value and I only need to get my foot in the door to show my worth. It’s always a sea of no’s, but you are looking for 1 or 2 yes’s.
Liam's top advice:
Do not do this on a whim, it's a huge commitment and I definitely underestimated how tough it is.
Reformat your resume and cover letter to be more consistent with US formats.
Get a US phone number.
Easy apply with LinkedIn and Indeed really helped with bulk applications. As an accountant, I was lucky in that sense as using the easy apply is accurate due to the nature of titles within finance and accountant.
Do not underestimate how difficult the move can be and make sure you are really planning from 12 to 18 months out so you have enough resources to make it to your first day at work. I would have been toast without the support from my partner, her mates, and my uncle, all of whom are based in North America.
Fellow Aussie John landed a Management Consulting job in San Francisco on an E-3 visa 🎉
"I didn’t need to pull a rabbit out of the hat to get a job in the US. I simply fine-tuned my strategy and a bit of perseverance made the difference.” shares John. He moved from Ireland to the US on an E-3 visa.
John's job searching experience and tips:
Landing a job in San Francisco is tough but it is worth the effort. I was looking for a long time and I had to fine-tune my game plan. I told Amy Meyer my strategy and we tweaked a couple of things. Within 3 weeks of having a coaching call with her, I landed an interview with the company I'm currently working with now.
Takeaways from my coaching call with Amy that helped:
- Understand relevant titles in the US for your job. My job title in Ireland is not used much in America so I adapted it for the west coast market.
- Fine-tune your resume for the US market. I had Amy look at my resume. She didn't change anything radically but fine-tuned it and it helped.
- Practice pitching the E-3 visa. Whilst I was already talking to people about the E-3 in America, I had better conversations with them after going over a couple of roleplays with Amy.
”Lastly, remember... Look at other individuals' success stories. Know that the process does take time!” said John
“Aussie Recruit is a great outlet for Aussies trying to enter America to work. A real sense of community that all try and help one another.” - John
Fellow Aussie Charissa landed a new job in Seattle on an E-3 visa 🎉
Seattle is rapidly becoming a top destination for Aussies in the US!
Charissa stayed motivated during her job search by remembering that rejections aren't necessarily about her, but often from other external factors.
“Job searching can be really demotivating, it's important to have a good support network and not take rejections personally (even though it's hard sometimes).” shares Charisa.
“Amy always provides great tips and tricks for everything in the job searching process. It's great to know that there is a whole group of people who go through the same process of applying to jobs in America as an Australian. It's great that she advocates for the E3 visa which should be more well known as an advantage for hiring Aussies.” - Charissa
Fellow Aussie Alistair landed a new job in New York 🎉
We're thrilled to have connected Al with this opportunity!
Al is originally from Perth and had been living and working in NY for a while.
When it came to moving into a new role, Al chatted to others who had gone through or were going through the same process.
These conversations were a great source of advice on navigating the process as an Aussie in NY and were also an opportunity to empathize with others in similar situations!
Al's top tip: “Say yes to every conversation, as you never know where it will lead. When you're evaluating a role, solve for people, as they are the most important determinant of your experience and growth.”
Fellow Aussie Noemia landed a job in Seattle 🎉
Noemia landed her job in Seattle interviewing from Sydney.
Here are Noemia's 4 tips on how to land a job in the US from Australia!
1. Make a list of the companies/fields you'd like to work for and start setting up job alerts on LinkedIn so you can be notified whenever a position becomes available, apply, and, most importantly, follow up!
2. Be aware of your timing. Knowing when you will be able to apply for your E-3 visa will allow you to tell your interviewer how long you need for relocation. Always say that this time is from the moment they give you the approved LCA (E-3 visa application) from the Department of Labor (DOL).
3. Expand your search and look for other places where you can apply for an E-3 visa. I went to Frankfurt, Germany, because they had appointments available within 4 weeks, whereas Australia wasn't scheduling appointments in the upcoming months. This may vary from time to time, so you have to constantly check your options.
4. Last but not least, Aussie Recruit is your best tool!
Noemia found her job via LinkedIn and the hiring process took about 1-2 months. Overall her job search took about 3-6 months.
Janine from Sydney landed a Design role in Alaska 🎉
Janine moved with her family from Sydney to Alaska! After revamping her resume and LinkedIn with Aussie Recruit, Janine started to get traction. She received 2 amazing offers and started her new job!
Janine's tips and advice:
I was motivated by the fact that even if my attempts were not always successful, each interview and touch point with prospective employers was still allowing me to learn about the US job market, what employers are looking for and how they operate.
I am in a very small market in a remote state so every introduction has helped develop a network for me even if they didn't always lead to jobs.
Join industry chapters in your local area. For example, I'm a Creative/Art Director. I joined my local AIGA chapter and have found that to be a great platform to network with other local designers. Industry chapters always seem to be looking for volunteers - give some of your time to help out at an event, or take a seat on the board. It will ingrain you into the community and help widen your network organically.
“Thank you to Amy for her tireless efforts in bringing current and relevant information to our expat community!!” - Janine
Gaurav from Melbourne landed a Product Manager job in Seattle on an E-3 visa 🎉
Gaurav landed his job in the US while interviewing from Melbourne. He applied to 5-10 jobs via LinkedIn everyday and was fortunate to land a great position.
“Perseverance is key!” he shares.
Gaurav recommends identifying 2 or 3 states in the US where you would like to work and live and keep applying for jobs on a daily basis.
“Thank you Amy & Aussie Recruit for reviewing my resume and connecting me with E3 friendly companies. Amy's advise and help in creating a US version of my CV gave a big boost to my job search.” - Gaurav
Karen from Bendigo landed a Marketing Manager role in Los Angeles on an E-3 visa 🎉
"Sometimes you have to take a step back to see the bigger picture. Keep persevering, take a break and repeat! You are not in this alone.
I woke up every day with a positive mantra that today was going to be the day. I spent time eliminating any negative self talk or doubt.
This can be really hard when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel and you have deadlines looming, but I’d rather be happy and focus on the task at hand than live in fear of the unknown." shares Karen.
Blake from Sydney landed a Product Designer role in San Francisco 🎉
"For my first gig in San Francisco, I had drinks with some startup founders in Beijing and the next morning was on a plane to San Francisco" shares Blake.
Blake found his most recent opportunity by direct messaging a recruiter on Twitter.
While looking for opportunities, Blake worked on his portfolio and practiced interviewing.
Josh from Sydney landed a Software Engineering role in San Francisco on an E-3 visa 🎉
Josh interviewed from Sydney. He moved to SF on an E-3 visa in time to enjoy skating with beautiful sunsets.
"Set a minimum number of applications to do per week and stick to it. I was applying for months before finding a company that was a perfect fit, so just keep at it, you'll find something." shares Josh.
Fellow Aussie Abhi landed a Product Manager role in Seattle 🎉
Abhi is originally from India, but spent most of his career in Sydney and Melbourne.
Here is Abhi's job searching tips as a fellow expat in the US!
"I kept an eye on the goal, ensured that I spent time on job search/interview prep while also working full-time, and reached out to my support system - mentors, coaches, expert interviewers, etc. Speaking of the support system - Amy (Aussie Recruit Founder) is awesome, so be sure to reach out to her!"
Abhi suggests breaking down your job search into 5 steps. Execute these sequentially but learn about each of these as you start the process.
job list refinement
resume refresh
network & referral
interview prep
visa process
“One breath at a time!” says Abhi!
“I never thought I’d live in the US, but I fell in love with the country and wanted to stay. I became a huge politics nerd living and working in the centre of the global politics in Washington D.C.” - Sarah
Sarah had a 1:1 coaching session with Amy 🤝