Michael from Melbourne landed a role in the US sports industry!

Michael from Melbourne landed a job in the US sports industry on an E-3 visa!

At Aussie Recruit, we’re always excited to share the success of fellow Australians landing jobs in the US. In this post, we’re lucky to share some of Michael’s story and job-searching tips.

Michael used our  E-3 Visa Salary Search tool 🔮

Michael returned to Australia, but his heart was set on moving back to California.

Michael’s desire to move from Melbourne to California all started with documentary film making.

“I have always loved sports and the entertainment industry" said Michael. In 2016 he made a documentary with an American Filmmaking company and loved the experience. On the way back to Australia he visited LA and got hooked on the film industry. In 2018 Michael returned back to the US to study Television, Film, and New Media in San Diego. It was during his time in San Diego that he developed a fascination for US sports.

He was particularly intrigued by college athletics competitions and the NFL. His time abroad in San Diego was life-changing. Michael returned to Australia, but his heart was set on moving back to California. He accepted work with RMIT Uni to research US schools as part of a “college athletics tour". “That tour made me eager to work in American sports. So I figured out where I wanted to work in California. Then looked for roles that aligned with my values, experience and goals” said Michael.

For Michael, networking was pivotal to landing his job in Davis California.

“I leaned on my friends and professional connections in America. They helped me assess the job market and determine the best approaches to get my name on shortlists.” said Michael. 

Michael’s proactivity paid off. He did the following things:

  • Added a US experience section on his resume

  • Obtained a US phone number

  • Built a website to showcase himself

  • Created content for the jobs he was applying for. 

Michael said it made a big difference in securing job interviews. 

Michael has 4 job-searching tips to share with you:

1. The process takes time and patience is a must. 

“Bugging people makes them aware of you BUT... while that can be a good thing, anxious energy doesn’t get you anywhere. You need to tread the fine line of being proactive but not turning them off you. Don’t jump the gun!”

2. Focus on what you can control. 

“Moving countries requires tying up loose ends at home. Focus your time and energy on doing that while you’re still in Australia. Savor moments with your family and friends. Once you move, those moments become rare and wonderful.”

3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

“I should have asked more questions. I booked the wrong visa appointment because the website was difficult to navigate. Seek legal help (if relevant to you) or advice from professionals. Ask questions even if you think the answers are obvious.”

4. Don’t forget… Australians are AWESOME.

“Aussies like seeing each other when we’re far from home. There are plenty of Aussies who have made this move work. They can be great sources of wisdom and guidance for your journey too.”

We’re honored to have supported Michael during his job search with our resources.

“Aussie Recruit’s resources and regular emails made the process a lot easier. It also helped me to market myself to US employers. Amy’s knowledge and guidance helped me explain to interviewers how simple the E-3 visa is. Without their infographic I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am today. I appreciate your support and am excited to see other Aussies realize their US career goals. Highly recommend Amy & Aussie Recruit!” - Michael

Lastly, we asked Michael what he’s going to miss most about Australia.

Heads up, this might make you a bit homesick!

“I thought I would miss the coffee. But here in Davis California it’s actually pretty nice. They do my favorite order, 'Dirty Almond Chai,' to perfection. I will miss my family and friends, no doubt. The drives to my holiday house with them in regional Victoria. Enjoying hash browns, bacon, eggs, baked beans and aioli in a wrap while sipping on a Billson’s Fruit Tangle. I'll miss how relaxed domestic flights are in Australia. It's pretty chaotic here in America. I don’t like taking my shoes off going through customs!

And of course...Aussie Rules Football at the MCG. Finals footy in September always captivates me. But I know in February I'll get pumped for the NFL playoffs. Being here for some of the biggest sports events like the Super Bowl and World Series will be epic.”

Check out Michael’s Moving To America vlog on Youtube!