Quickly and easily hire Australians in the US on the E-3 Visa

Interview Australia’s top talent in the US. Get started now.

Ready to land your next job in the US on an E-3 visa? Join our talent network.

E-3 visa vs H-1B visa by Aussie Recruit

👋 Jobseekers: Submit your profile to hear about jobs in the US at E-3 visa-friendly companies

👋 US Employers: Start interviewing Australia’s top talent in the US

Aussie Recruit is posting what it hopes will be helpful information. Aussie Recruit is not an immigration practice and is not giving advice. Readers and viewers should not act on the information shared, without seeking their own professional advice. The Department of Homeland Security provides official E-3 visa information.

We work with Green and Spiegel U.S. to provide you with U.S. immigration support. Request a complimentary consult with Jonathan Grode (Practice Director of Green and Spiegel US).