Amy from Canberra landed a Policy and Grants Specialist job in Honolulu!

Amy from Canberra landed a Policy and Grants Specialist job in Honolulu!

We love to celebrate the success of fellow Aussies landing their jobs in the US. In this post we’re excited to bring you some Amy’s story and tips.

Amy was a Supercharge Your Search Student 💫

“Try to get over to the US and explore different cities to see what suits your lifestyle”

- Amy

Amy’s journey began when her partner working in Government was posted to work in Honolulu. Together they decided to make the big move relocating from Canberra to Hawaii.

“The opportunity was too good to turn down” said Amy. They are making the most of living in the US by traveling and seeing as much of the country as they can.

Amy was fortunate to have a partner visa which gave her authorization to work in the US, meaning she didn’t need a visa. While having work authorization helps a lot, finding a job is still challenging. Especially as an Aussie expat new to the US market. 

Amy decided to join our Supercharge Your Search online course to boost her chances. She went through the important process of updating her resume for US standards. The course helped her figure out how her Australian experience translates to America. “With a bit of practice, I got better at talking about my achievements” says Amy.

“Try to get over to the US and explore different cities to see what suits your lifestyle” advises Amy. “There are heaps of good mid-sized cities with great career opportunities. Highly recommend a visit to Pittsburgh!” she adds.

We’re honored to have supported Amy in her US job search and guided her to success!

“Aussie Recruit has been an invaluable resource for me. Supercharge Your Search provides detailed knowledge and advice. Following the steps provided I was able to improve my resume and LinkedIn profile. Particularly translating my skills and experience into the US market.”

Last but not least, we asked Amy what she’ll miss most about Australia…

“I miss the sourdough from my local bakery.”