Eagle from Sydney landed a Restaurant Manager role in New York!

Eagle from Sydney landed a Restaurant Manager role in New York City on an E-3 visa!

We love to celebrate the success of our fellow Aussies who landed their jobs in the US. In this post we’re thrilled to share some of Eagle’s story, insights and job-searching wisdom with you.

Eagle was a Supercharge Your Search Student 💫

“It's New York City that truly captured our hearts with its infectious energy.”

- Eagle

Let’s talk about Eagle and what sparked his interest in the US.

Eagle and his partner share a deep love for the US. On four to five separate occasions they traveled to the US holidaying across the country.

"We embarked on a memorable road trip from Los Angeles to New York City once" recalls Eagle. "But it's New York City that truly captured our hearts with its infectious energy."

Here’s how he approached his US job search.

Setting ambitious yet achievable goals became Eagle's plan during his job hunt. He committed to submitting 2 to 3 crafted job applications every day.

He never forgot to prioritize his well-being and made sure to spend time hanging out with friends and family. "Take weekends off to recharge and enjoy life is key for maintaining balance” Eagle advises.

Eagle's job-searching efforts yielded amazing results faster than expected.

He rapidly secured an amazing job opportunity and emphasizes 2 fundamental principles that guided him through the process.

  1. Setting clear goals

  2. giving yourself a break

Consistency and self-care were the cornerstones of his success.

We're proud to share that Eagle landed his job following the Supercharge Your Search method.

By following our 5-step method, putting in the work and persevering, he made it happen!

“I've done resume and job search workshops before, including in my MBA at USYD, but Supercharge Your Search is one of the best short courses I've ever done.

This really gives you practical advice on how to land a job in the US. What really impressed me was the tricks to searching for specific contacts on LinkedIn.”

It was this strategy that ultimately landed Eagle his job in the US!

We asked Eagle about the things he'll miss most about Australia…

“Family, friends and beaches”